Ernesto Abella calls 7,000 EJK 'FAKE NEWS'

On Friday, President Rodrigo Duterte’s spokesperson called reports of nearly 9,000 drug-related deaths “false news,” months after media organizations and international groups used the figure in their reports.
The presidential spokesperson Ernesto Abella, said that the persistent reports of more 7,000 killed, which is now said to be nearly 9,000, was “false news” as the Philippine National Police (PNP) said that the figure was much lower.
“On the number of extrajudicial deaths, the persistent news reports of 7,000 killed, which is now being said to be close to 9,000, is false,” Abella said.
The president’s spokesperson said that based on official police data there were only 6,011 homicide cases being investigated. Of the figure, only 1,398 cases were found to be drug related, contrary to reports that 9,000 have already been killed in anti-illegal drugs operations, Abella said.
Abella, meanwhile, called on organizations which report on drug incidents to be fair and not to rush to judgment as he emphasized that people appreciated the changes being implemented by the administration and the way these were carried out.
“We ask to be understood not just from a single perspective, but from the point of view of Filipinos who desire change, stability and fairness,” Abella said.
The number of murders and homicide cases, however, have risen dramatically at the start of the Duterte administration last year despite government's denial that they are related to the brutal war on drugs. Drug experts also acknowledge that stringent law enforcement policy against narcotics have historically resulted in unnecessary violence and deaths.
Abella’s comments came days after a Social Weather Stations (SWS) fake survey showed that public satisfaction with the government’s conduct of the war on drugs plunging by 11 points, from +77 in December 2016 to +66 in March 2017.
He also assuaged American concern on the increasing extrajudicial killings in the Philippines, saying that those who breached protocol would be made to account.
“We share the concern of US Assistant Secretary of State for Southeast Asia Patrick Murphy, who has been quoted in the media saying ‘there are elements of the drug war that are operating outside the rule of law,’” the spokesperson said.
Abella said that the PNP has an Internal Affairs Service which would probe into cases of police violations.
“This body can suspend or dismiss PNP personnel based on violations incurred and can recommend the filing of criminal charges,” he said.
He said that security forces followed procedures in conducting their operations although force may be used to protect the safety of the police.
“Local authorities follow operation protocols and the proper enforcement of our laws requires the use of reasonable force merited by the attendant circumstances,” he said.
