Former Senator Enrile speaks about separating of our country on foreign policy.
“His position (of an independent foreign policy) is actually correct because I think his primary goal is to keep out of America’s compass and baton when it comes to foreign relations. All other countries should be our friend, we should not keep special friends. That’s what you call non-aligned position,” Enrile added.
The President, however, should be prepared for the possible repercussions of broaching into a non-aligned or an equidistant foreign policy.
“That also comes with a burden, and you cannot discount that. You should know how to balance and how to use that system,” Enrile said.
Enrile said he can understand the public’s confusion over the president’s announcements precisely because the semantics of the words he use is not very clear.
“Clarity in diplomacy and with other countries is the most important to avoid any misunderstanding on the other side,” Enrile said.
But the former senator said he believes Duterte’s “separation with the U.S.” policy would be good for the country in the long run, but the Philippines cannot totally obliterate the U.S. from its sphere of influence.
“The only problem here is clarity. We must clarify our position in our relationship with other country. Clarity is the very important consideration,” he said.